More than 30 experts took part in a seminar on manor parks management

On November 10-12, 2019 the opening seminar of Russian-Latvian cross-border cooperation project LV-RU-040 NewLINE (“New Life of Old Parks: Efficient Management of Historical Nature Objects in LatRus Border Area”) took place. The seminar was organized at the “Arina R.” hotel in Pushkinskiye Gory city of the Pskov Region.

The seminar “Manor Parks: Present and Future” brought together more than 30 specialists from the Pskov Region, Latgale and Vidzeme – the key regions of the Russia – Latvia Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. The event allowed not only to discuss the problems and expected results of the NewLINE project, but also to consider in detail the situation with the restoration and popularization of historical manor parks on the Russian-Latvian border, to study different management scenarios, to present cases and prepare proposals for the development of individual parks many of which are currently being lost.

Presentations were made by:

Georgy Vasilevich, Director of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve “Mikhailovskoye” – presentation of the manors of the Museum-Reserve;
Olga Vasilenko, chairwoman of NGO “Lake Peipsi Project (Pskov)”, manager of the NewLINE project – presentation of the NewLINE project;
Iveta Supe, director of the museum of Balvi region (Latvia), presenation “Latvian-Russian historical parallels. Balvi estate. Korytovo estate”;
Kristina Dreija, Doctor of architecture with specialization on landscapes (Latvia), presentation “Restoration of historical manors and manor parks. The Latvian experience”;
Gundars Pless, Chief Specialist of the Limbazi Museum (Latvia), report “Parks of Vidzeme manors, their transformation from the 20th century Agrarian Reform to the present day”;
Inga Žirgule, Project Manager at Luznava Manor (Latvia), presentation “Manors and Parks of Latgale. The Example of Luznava”;
Raitis Sijats, Director of Vidzeme Tourism Association (Latvia), presentation “Experience and further development of EstLatRus Green Heritage project (Restoration of parks as an integral part of historical heritage)”;
Natalia Sergeeva, expert of the Pskov Region State Committee for Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects, presentation “Problems of Preservation and Use of Pskov Region Manors”;
Galina Pivrik, Chief Curator of Museum Forests and Parks of the Pushkinogorsk Museum Reserve, presentation “On Manor and Park Complexes of the XVIII-XIX Centuries in the Pskov Region”;
Nina Istomina, Head of the Department of Botany and Plant Ecology at the Pskov State University, presentation “The Role of Manor Parks of the Pskov Region in Biodiversity Conservation”;
Zhanna Tarasova, specialist in methods of club work, Pokrovskiy Rural House of Culture, Krasnogorodskiy District Leisure Association, Pskov Region, presentation “Lyamonovskiy Manor Park: from past to present. Holidays “In the Silence of the Alleys”. Krasnogorodskiy District (Peshchurov Manor)”;
Lyudmila Ilyicheva, chairwoman of the “Society of History and Culture of Ostrov district”, presentation “Creation of a demonstration park on the rampart;
Marina Lyashkevich, Deputy head of the “Gorayskaya High School” of the “Ostrovsky District” municipal authority, presentation “Goray Park… 200 years later”.

Presentations can be downloaded here.

The seminar was organized by the Center for Curative Pedagogics and Differentiated Education of the Pskov Region with the assistance of NGO “Lake Peipsi Project (Pskov)” and Balvi Municipality (Latvia).

This post has been produced with the financial support of Latvia – Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. Its contents are the sole responsibility of NGO “Lake Peipsi Project (Pskov)” and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Programme, Programme participating countries Latvia and Russia, alongside with the European Union.

Latvia-Russia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 supports joint efforts for addressing cross-border development challenges and promotes sustainable use of existing potential of the area across border between the European Union and Russian Federation.  The Programme website is

Photos of the seminar can be seen here.