Collection of photos of historical manor parks in the Pskov region completed

NGO “Lake Peipsi Project (Pskov)” has completed collection of photo materials on historical manor parks of the Pskov Region for a new publication – Visual Guide, which is being prepared within the framework of the Latvian-Russian cross-border cooperation project LV-RU-040 NewLINE.

The publication is aimed at popularization of cultural and historical heritage of the region, stimulation of domestic and border tourism (after removal of COVID restrictions), development of interest in ancient estates and parks, creation of new tourist routes.

Visual guide is planned as a joint Russian-Latvian product; besides Pskov region it will include estates of Latgale and Vidzeme.

A manor park in Gorai village, Ostrov Municipal District, Pskov Region. @ Photo of NGO “Lake Peipsi Project (Pskov)”, 2020