The Park Day was organized at the improved Bear Garden in Balvi City (Latvia)

On October 9, within the framework of the project No.LV-RU-040 “New Life of Old Parks: Efficient Management of Historical Nature Objects in LatRus Border Area (“NewLINE”) “a Park Day in the Manor’s park “Lāča dārzs” was organized.

During the event, visitors participated in playing large-format garden games purchased within the project. The most acclaimed among the games “Jenga”, “Circus”, “Aim”, “Draughts” and “Domino” was “Circus” – it was played by all generatios’ participants . For many, the play of “Jenga” created excitement and positive emotions. Other games were also tried. The games will be handed over to the Balvi Children and Youth Center, the culture, educational institutions of the municipality, as well as other institutions that want to diversify their events with useful and fun time will be able to use those games.

The photo-orienteering in the park was interesting activity for participants of the event. The fastest participants in this activity were two fathers with daughters – Andris with daughter Beāte and Ivars with daughter Enija. Orienteering participants were presented with cups with the program logo and project title.

During the event, those interested were informed about the project “NewLINE” – what has been done and what is still planned. The event was cozy with background music of Latvian performers, warm tea, coffee, cocoa and snacks. Both boys and girls were excited about the possibility of painting their faces at the event. 70 residents of Balvi region participated in the event, who admitted that they would like to participate in such events more often.