The castle was built in the late 18th century, in the early classicism style. On both sides of the courtyard in the complex with the castle built two outbuildings.

Till 1448 Ozolmuiza, which was the main manor, as Skujene and other estates was a support manor Koskule. In 1334 Ozolmuiza and Skujene were the property of the family of Corfu.

After the division of the inheritance, 1782 Ozolmuiza and Skujene passed into the ownership of Karlis Gustavs Mengdeim’s daughter Caroline Philippines, married as count Mellina, and the estate remained in the ownership of this family until the 20th century.

Next to the Ozolmuiza castle is partly preserved park with regular planning of the late 18th century.  The area is 4.03 ha. South of the Park, across the road, is a lake. The castle with the main facade is oriented to the lake, on the other side of the building – a field with oaks – the former front yard. The plantings are based on local types of leaves.

Foto: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DUedD0mWkAAUszb.jpg