1542 Johann von Plettenberg creates an estate here. In the middle of the 18th century and in the beginning of the 19th century, a spacious farm and a well-maintained Park on 4 terraces were created. During the First world war, the estate was badly damaged. The last owner since 1908 was Baron P. K. Hans.

The Park was created on the 2nd side of the 18th century. Only the representative gate of the tower, built in 1767, remains of the former building.

The area of the landscape Park is 7 hectares. The Park has terraces, paths, trees and bushes of 16 foreign species. In the Central part, there are signs of the Renaissance style. In the Park there is a linden alley, put the tops down. The area is 9.6 ha, including a pond.

The pavilion on the left coast of the river Daugava has been preserved, which offers a view of the river, and from the lower terrace – a view of the Lielvarde Church.

The Park is also marked by the fact that only leaf trees are planted in it, especially Linden trees (the name of the Park itself is indicated on it).
