Today, the former Landskorona manor park is a protected nature object. The trees growing in the 6.4 ha large area resemble the former great manor centre, from which the building was confined to an ornate wall stable, built on the other side of 19th, in the style of neogothics.

At the end of the 18th, the plants at the center of the manor were designed as an occasional design park where there were no shortages of bushy trees or luxurious bridges. On the first half of 19th, State Councillor and the St. Vladimir and St. Anne Order Chevalier –  Marcins Karnickis, who had also been the originator of the construction of the Landskorona Church, which was blessed in 1828, built a house of ornate lords. The new castle was composed of three bodies, with a total of 48 rooms. It is possible that the landscape park of the manor has been reconstructed during the construction of the castle and supplemented with new plantings.

Today, there are many rare species in the Landskorona manor ark, as well as two small trees – maple and silver maple.