The name of the estate was taken from the last name of its owners Kropfen, but later its owners changed many times. In 1592, the manor was assigned in the lifetime possession of the Koshezkis. Major Hertzberg is mentioned as the last owner. The construction of the estate development is still little studied, but the buildings, except for the house of the Lord, are almost completely preserved, built on the 2nd side of the 19th century from the red brick-the master house, barns and other outbuildings.

On the territory of the estate there is a Park of 4.92 hectares, which is very overgrown, of which the pond occupies 0.92 hectares. In the Park grows a lot of roses and shrubs as well as maples, alder, ale, oak, linden and elm. The manor house has not been preserved. From the site of the building, you can view the pond with an island and on the opposite side to the exotic groups of trees. From the road to the building leads a path with rows of hazels on both sides. In places in the Park, fragments of rows of plantings have been preserved. The Park displays local and exotic species of trees and shrubs. Many hazels and a large group of roses.
