Aluksne New Castle was built from 1859 to 1864, commissioned by Baron Alexander for Vietinghoff, and it is one of the most impressive late Tudor neo-gothic architecture monuments in Latvia. From 1959, New Castle houses Aluksne museum, which offers permanent exhibitions about the cultural history of Aluksne; and temporary exhibitions, educational programmes and excursions around the museum and the grounds of the Castle Manor Park.

The park was created on the 2nd side of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century. The area is 50 ha, of which 1 ha is occupied by 8 ponds of different sizes and configurations and water pools, which in the main part of the Park with springs and streams are connected in a cascade. The main part of the Park is created in a free layout with arrays of local species, scenes, exotic groups, and tapeworms. The Park had several pavilions made of various materials, gazebos, monuments and other architectural objects, some of which have been preserved. Part of the Park has been redeveloped, modernizing it. Local and foreign tree species are planted in the Park. Especially rare – needle Rose (Rosa acicularis).
