Architectural monument of local importance and specially protected nature area (since 1968). The park’s present fortune is about 500 trees aged 70 to 150 and the river Supenka.

During the time of the Baron, a special element of the Park – a natural clock-was created when the Park was equipped. It consisted of 12 different trees arranged in a circle. They determined the time by the angle of the shadows. This circle is partially preserved. There is a pond in the Park that contains the island of love. A small river – Supenka flows through the Park. Great losses were caused to the Park during the war, as a German garrison settled on its territory: they built barracks, fortifications, and cut down trees. Until 1979, the Park had an artificial insemination station, so the Park grazed buns and it was overgrown with bushes and weeds.

In the early 80’s, when the Soviet farm “Baltinava” became the owner of the Park, cleaning of the Park has started. Special merits in the restoration of the estate Park have agronomist Janis Alexandrov, whose initiative was groomed grass, planted ornamental shrubs and trees, equipped with a fence. The estate Park has three zones – a recreation area with a bandstand, a sports field and a children’s Playground.

The Park regularly hosts various cultural events.