Ruskulova Manor was built in the 18th century. Ruskulova Manor has belonged to Count Tolstoy, later Baron Levenstein, then between 1897 and 1899 to the mother of the Russian czar Nikolai II. Over the course of various historical events, the buildings of the manor have been destroyed.

Until today, a park built around the manor has survived with trees planted in the 18 th century. Twenty exotic species of trees and bushes were planted in the park. Manor Park spans 2.7 ha acreage. The oak in the center of the park reaches a nearly 4.2-meter circumference. The lakeside alley connects Ruskuva Manor Park with windmills. Windmills have also suffered a lot over time. From the mound of the park, where an old windmill is located, there is a great landscape to the immediate surroundings. On the sidelines of this mound are the graves of the Swedish War, which is under national protection.
