Biksere manor was first mentioned in 1583, when the Polish king Stefan Batory gave the manor to Heinrich Romel. In the near future, the owners of the estate have changed many times. On January 20, 1824, the estate was owned by Johann Eduard Magnus. The center of the Bixere estate belonged to the Magnus family until 1939. The manor’s house of the master is the Office of Sarkani parish (now the building is being renovated), the barn is a private Museum of Antiques (owner Andris Trechak).

The area of the park – 8,37 ha, of which the waters occupy 0,5 ha. The terrain is hilly with the ravine of the river. Plantations similar to forest park on the edges of the ravine and hillsides. The main indigenous species of leaf trees based on plantings. A lot of oak, including 1 with a diameter at a height of about 140 cm.
