Until 1917, Carnikava could be proud of a luxurious estate in Vidzeme, built by Ernst Reinhold von Mengden around 1774. The estate also had a well-maintained Park and farm buildings. Unfortunately, during the First world war, the estate was destroyed and no longer restored. Of the beautiful manor of Mengden, whose wealth was multiplied by the Negro fishing, only the colonial hood, the renovated barn house and the restored Park of the estate, where even today the inhabitants of the region gather, remain.

The area of the Park is 4 ha, of which water occupies 0.1 ha. The Central Northern part of the Park has been preserved with a regular layout. In the Northern part of the Central lawn, there is a rectangular pond surrounded by symmetrical rows of lime trees and alleys. The Central lawn also includes alleys, behind which smaller, longitudinal plants are located in the sides. The Park consists of local species, mainly maples, oak, and Linden.
