Maija (May) park was created in the 19th century when romantic castle ruins had come into fashion in garden architecture. The park was once known as the Alexei Park. The high rows of linden of which were planted by Kaspars Veidenbaums, grandfather of E. Veidenbaums, who at the time was the gardener of the Cēsis Castle Manor. In the park is the work of sculptor Kārlis Jansons “Battle with Centour”, which has, over time, become one of the town’s most familiar symbols.

Since 2005 the park is a home to a couple of black swans from Lisbon. Gracefully floating across the town’s most picturesque park ponds, the swans attract the genuine admiration of visitors. An extensive area of May Park is reserved for children’s zone. There is a variety of age-appropriate children’s attractions, an outdoor tennis tables, bicycle park and skate park.

Foto: http://turisms.cesis.lv/en/what-to-see/history/maija-parks/