Dikļi palace was built in the Neo-Baroque style in 1896 and restored in 2003. The second most important component of the Dikļi palace ensemble is the barn, which pre-dates the palace and was built in the late eighteenth century using elements of late Classicism and featuring a majestic portico, untypical for barns in Vidzeme.

The buildings of the Dikļi palace are organically complemented by a park spanning 20 hectares. Adjacent to the palace lies a duck pond, which is said to have had a floor made of oak. Mazbriede River begins just beyond the pond, whose ravines contain a landscape garden, also known as the Forest Park. In the 1960s, after surveying Dikļi palace park, it was found that approximately 20 exotic trees grow on its grounds.

Foto: https://media2.nekropole.info/2016/07/Diklu-muiza_579a3c3f7c3eb.jpg