Smiltene Manor House complex is located on the banks of Vidusezers. This territory is called the Kalnamuiža.


Buildings of the manor house was built from 1767 to 1771. During this period Vidzeme Governor General G. Brauns owned this manor house.

Several buildings have remained in Kalnamuiža: house of the manager of the manor house, ice cellar, hunters house, stables, silage tower, granary with ancient weathercocks, castle ruins of the German Holy Order with the cheese house – sierūzis (1763).

On 1922, Latvian state took over the manor house and located an agricultural educational establishment here. Up to no Smiltene Technical School is located in these manor house buildings where young people from all around Latvia get their education.

Construction of the Park began in the 2nd half of the 18th century, at the end of the 19th century, it expanded, creating a romantic landscape Park. On the territory of the old Park there is a lake, a pond with fountains, water lilies and created recreation areas. The area is 24 hectares. The Central part of the Park has been reconstructed many times. Local and foreign species of trees and shrubs are found in the Park.
