The castle was built during the first half of the 19th century in Tudor Neo-Gothic forms.  The first owner of the castle was Baron Johann Gottlieb von Wolff.  During the 1870s and 1880s it was rebuilt in the style of French Neo-Renaissance.  The castle was burned down during the 1905 Revolution, but it was restored with certain elements of Art Nouveau forms.

It is surrounded by a landscape style park. During the Revolution of 1905, Stameriena was an important rebel center and during these battles the palace was burnt down by the revolutionaries. It was restored in 1908. The palace was not restored to its previous appearance, but undergoing a major rebuilding, thus acquiring the features of neoclassicism and Art Nouveau. In the 1930s, the world-famous Italian writer, Giuseppe Tomazi di Lampedusa, married to Baron Alexander von Wolf, lived in Stameriena Palace.

Around Stameriena palace, the Park is the size of 28,4 hectares, educated in the style of the landscape. It is surrounded by the bay of lake Stamerienas to the West and Northwest, and is bordered by lake Pogas to the South. Both lakes connect the Pogas river, which flows out of lake Stamerienas and flows into lake Pogas.

This Park is considered one of the best examples of fan-type composition in Latvia. The Park displays both local and exotic plant species. Of the local species, there are many spruce, oak, linden, as well as hazel and others. The most important exotic species are European larch, balsam and Siberian fir and others.
