Veselava Manor, based on the land plots owned by Rauna Manor Estate, was established in 1602 by Pēteris Veselavskis, the elder of the community. The name of the manor and the whole parish has its roots from his surname, but the letter “k” has gone lost over the course of time.

The manor house of eclectic style was built in 1841. It was erected in the place where the former house, which burnt down, was once located — on a rather big, oval island to highlight it among other buildings and make it look similar to medieval castles. The island is enclosed by a ditch. The ditch is crossed via two boulder bridges with arches made of calcareous tufa, and they lead to the central yard of the manor.

The Park has excellent architectural and dendrological value. This serves as a place of rest. The Park is home to rare trees such as walnut, cork, Siberian fir, and protected trees such as cedar, European larch, and silver maple.
