Gora – the L’vovs manor

Gora village. The manor of the L’vovs. The end of the XVIII – XIX centuries. One of the largest, well-preserved manor complexes of the Pskov region. The central core includes a two-storey brick house, a carriage shed with colonnade. The farm complex includes cattle yards, stables, distillery, barn and foundation of mill.

The XIX c. landscape park with elements of regular style (the first foundation of the end of the XVIII c.). In the park grow centuries-old trees of local flora – oak, linden, ash, Siberian larch. (28 ha).

Photos of the blog http://24naville.blogspot.com/2017/07/blog-post_29.html and website http://club.silver-ring.ru (https://bit.ly/2QWnbvx) are used.